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Frequently Asked Questions
- Where are you located?
Roxboro, North Carolina is located 30 miles north west of the Raleigh Durham airport, near the Virginia border. I flight train from Person County airport. The identifier is TDF. The airport has ILS, GPS and NDB approaches and a runway that is 6000' long. The FBO is Freedom Air Aviation, open from 8am until 8pm daily, and their telephone number is (336) 364-1111.
- What's your Instructing style?
My demeanor and teaching style are ‘relaxed', but very professional using positive reinforcement combined with constructive guidance. The training is done in an informal atmosphere. Also, I believe in flying in actual instrument conditions as much as possible.
- How long have you been Instructing and how can I check up on you?
I've been flying since 1966, and instructing since 1980. Read my testimonials.
- How do you compare to PIC or other 10 day programs ?
I specialize in training confident, safe, instrument rated pilots ready to fly in the real world by teaching techniques and procedures needed for single pilot IFR. My experience is that the best, most efficient training requires you to be highly focused only on the training, and that is very hard to do with the distractions of being at home. That's part of the reason for coming to me instead of me going to you.
- Do you guarantee an IFR rating?
No. Most of my students are signed off for the checkride at the end of the class, however, I do not sign off everyone for a checkride. Occasionally, I have a student that needs basic training, or that I feel just isn't ready to fly IFR safely. I will give you an honest evaluation and discuss your options with you at that point.
- Do you have an examiner on staff?
No. I do however have several examiners that I work closely with, and will schedule your checkride for the completion of your training. My goal, and yours, should be to train you to be a confident, safe instrument rated pilot ready to use your airplane to its fullest potential, and if I'm successful, passing the checkride should be easy. It's my belief that when there is an ‘examiner on staff', to often you are taught ‘the checkride', and that there is too much temptation to pass very marginal students that can squeeze by the checkride standards but who aren't quite ready to be safe competent IFR rated pilots.
- Do I need to have the Knowledge Test (written) passed?
No, but I highly recommend it because you need to study the material for the oral, and flight check, techniques, and procedures while you are here. Call me and we'll discuss your situation.
- I failed the checkride once already. Will you still train me?
Yes, I will review all the areas required for the rating and train you as needed to pass the checkride. The cost will be on a daily rate.
- What syllabus do you use?
I use the ASA material as a general guideline, but I teach each student based on their experience and their airplane's equipment. I use the standards published in the FAA PTS to evaluate a student's readiness for the checkride.
- Do you use a simulator?
Yes, I have a state-of-the-art, certified PCATD approved for 10 hours of your training.
- What should I do to prepare for training?
I will discuss with you the knowledge areas to review, and send you some study materials after you schedule the training.
- What time do you normally start training?
Each session starts at 8:30AM and finishes between 5 and 6:00PM. This gives you the evening for study.
- Is it possible to break up the IFR training into two sessions?
Yes, You can choose that option. Some people feel that they learn better with a short break to assimilate all the information they've learned, or that their schedules won't allow for straight through.
- Do you offer other training?
I specialize in IFR training, but will do limited basic training as needed with my IFR students.
- What should I expect during training?
You will get the greatest benefit and find training easiest by studying and reviewing before you come.
- Knowledge is the key. The more you know prior to flight training, the easier it will be. Plus, I can go into greater detail, so you'll learn even more.
- My programs are built on a ‘Professional Training Model' so expect to spend 8 hours a day with me, and on taking your checkride the day after we finish training. Also, plan on 2-3 hours of studying each night.
- Make sure your aircraft and all your avionics are working properly. To finish in the allotted time doesn't allow for much unscheduled maintance or inoperative equipment.
- During training you will probably be overwhelmed with the amount of information being presented to you. It is normal to feel overloaded during the first few days but it will come together before your checkride. Remember, I'm well qualified to get you ready so don't engage in destructive self critique, just work on mastering the material presented.
- Your questions are important so that you fully understand the material. You need to ask them as they come up during the course, but remember that to finish on time requires that we both stay focused on the task at hand.
- How much do you charge?
Prices are listed on the coarse outline pages and include all training materials and supplies except for charts, the AIM, and the study text you used for your Knowledge test. The prices do not include the Checkride fee, hotel, or rental car fees.
- Will you fly to me and begin training on the way to TDF?
Yes, for the additional price of the ticket, hotel if needed, and my normal daily rate.
- Are there any other fees or cost?
- Where do I stay?
I will make your reservations for you once the training is scheduled. Hotels include: Hampton Inn (336) 599-8800, Innkeeper (800) 466-5337 or Barristers Bed & Breakfast (336) 597-2848 or email: For more information about Roxboro visit
- Do I need a rental car?
I will meet you at the airport and can provide daily transportation to the training. If you would like a rental car, try Enterprise (800) 325-8007.
- Do I need to list you on my Insurance?
Please list me as an additional insured.
- Is a hanger available?
Yes, call Freedom Air Aviation for details and to reserve the hanger (336) 364-1111.
- How do I contact you and schedule training?
Please call my office at (336) 504-1466 or email me at: to answer your questions and schedule your training.